Tuesday, January 31, 2006

5th Storytime of 2006



We read:

Ten Monkey Jambore by Dianne Ochiltree
Monkey Among Us by Dave Horowitz
Monkey Do by Allan Ahlberg

Song- - I'm a Little Monkey(To the Tune of: I'm a little teapot)

I'm a little monkey in the tree Swinging by my tail so merrily

I can leap and fly from tree to tree I have lots of fun you see.

I'm a little monkey watch me play Munching on bananas every day

Lots of monkey friends to play with me

We have fun up in the tree.

Song/Fingerplay – Itsy Bitsy Monkey
(‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ tune)

The itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the coconut tree
(have hands climb)
Down came a coconut and bopped him on the knee
(drop fist from over head to hit yourself on the knee)
Along came his Mama, who kissed away the pain
(kiss your fist)
Then the itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the tree again
(climb hands again - stretch as high as you can reach!)

Dance/Song: Monkey See, Monkey Do

When you clap, clap, clap your hands

The monkey clap, clap, claps his hands

Monkey see and monkey do,

Monkey does the same as you.

When you stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

The monkey stamp, stamps, stamps his feet,

Monkey see and monkey do,

Monkey does the same as you.

When you turn, turn, turn around

The monkey turn, turn, turns around,

Monkey see and monkey do,Monkey does the same as you.

When you jump, jump, jump up high,

The monkey jump, jump, jumps up high.Monkey see and monkey do.

Monkey does the same as you.

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